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Dissertation Writing Strategies - How to Write a Dissertation on Technical Research in Five Steps

Posted by tommykelley

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your dissertation topic? Don't let it intimidate you. Read on for a few dissertation writing strategies that will turn your dissertation from a monster into something a lot more manageable.

1) Respect your dissertation

First of all, acknowledge that writing a dissertation is a complex and challenging project and treat it accordingly. Your future career depends on you doing a good job with it, and, most importantly, completing it.

In order to give yourself the best chance of finishing your dissertation, make it the top priority of your life for the duration it will take to complete it. Put as many other parts of your life as possible on hold, or at least try to minimize your participation in them until you have completed your dissertation.

2) Take care of yourself

On the other hand, be sure to take care of yourself. Get regular exercise and enough sleep. A dissertation does not get any better when it is written by someone who is sick or sleep-deprived.

3) Remember that you are the expert

Remember that you are the expert. You were the one who did the experiments or the research that you are going to write about in your dissertation. So there is no need to be stressed out. Just pretend you're going to explain it all to a friend or colleague in a very long letter.

4) Understand the basic structure of a dissertation

Most dissertations, technical or otherwise, follow a similar structure if they are based on first-hand research, which technical dissertations usually are:

a) Introduction

In this section, you provide an overview of your entire dissertation and its purpose.

b) Theoretical background

In this section, you give an overview over the main research on the topic of your dissertation and explain how your dissertation research relates everyone else's research. This is also the place to explain what you expect to find in your research, i.e., your research hypothesis.

c) Your experiments or other research

In this section, you describe the research you did and exactly how you did it -- in very clear detail.

d) Your results

Here you describe what your results were, and provide graphics and tables as necessary.

e) What it all means

Here, you describe how your results relate to your hypothesis as well as other people's research, and discuss the ramifications of what you found.

f) Conclusion

This is where you present a summary of your entire dissertation and make suggestions for further research if you haven't already done so in the previous section.

5) Write it all down

Once you understand the basic structure of your dissertation, the actual writing of it will be a lot less intimidating. Considering that you've done all your research, which was really the hardest part, your task now is "simply" to write it all down.

Start by describing your experiment, i.e., by writing sections c, d, and e, in that order. These should practically write themselves, and once you have completed them, you'll have the bulk of your dissertation written.

This will lower your stress levels considerably, which should help you complete your dissertation.

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  1. Lucy T. Patterson

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