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When Transforming Your Dissertation Into a Book, Know That You Are a Writer

Posted by tommykelley Labels: , , ,

When you begin to transform your dissertation topic into a book you might become apprehensive.

"Who me?" you say. "Not me!! I'm not a writer." But you are.

You have something special to bring to the world. There is something simmering inside of you waiting for you to bring it out. Otherwise you would not even contemplate the idea of writing a book.

You are a writer.

You have written your dissertation, which was read by an audience that consisted of your dissertation committee. Therefore, you can write a book. You are just writing for a larger audience. And you are now writing as an expert on your topic.

This should give you great confidence. You know your topic inside and out. In addition to your dissertation you have written many papers and other documents.

You have something worthwhile to bring to the world. Only you can create what has been placed inside of you.

"I'm shy," you say. "I can't let other people read my writing. What will they think of me?"

What will you think of yourself if you let what's stirring inside of you die? Will you look back over your life and wonder what would have happened if you had only dared take pen to paper?

Meditate on this thought: Before I formed you in the womb

I knew you, before you were born

I set you apart...

-Jeremiah 1:5

Consider that you were set apart to start writing a dissertation that is close to your heart. Don't wait around and wish someone else would pen a tome on your topic.

Look within and know that a writer lives there. You have inside of you all that you need to complete your assignment on earth. Trust. And believe you can do it.

Take time to clearly define what you want to write. Sure there are ideas floating around in your mind. Don't lose them. Take some thinking time and let the ideas come together.

Don't leave anything to chance. Formulate a master plan to put your ideas on paper.

What is your plan for making your book happen? Will you write two pages a day? What about 20 pages a week? How about a chapter a week? Will you need to do any additional research?

If you are still not convinced that you can write your book enlist the aid of others. Join a writers group. Join a book club. Go to book signings and listen as authors relate their stories and struggles to get published. Learn from other writers.

Don't try to do too much at one time. Don't rush your muse. Be patient. Take one step at a time. Then another step. And another. Soon your writing project will start to take shape. And joy will well up within your soul.

And you will know deep in your heart that you are a writer too.

Start with an idea. And make it a good one. Your good idea will bear down and lift you up and take you on a wonderful flight to the fulfillment of your dreams.

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